The apostle Paul wrote the book of Romans to the Christian church at Rome before he'd been there himself. It was written from the city of Corinth during Paul’s third missionary journey in the late 50s, A.D.
After greeting the people of the church, Paul states the theme of this letter: “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed ... The just shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17).
Paul then develops this theme in the book of Romans. Because we are sinners, we all need to be put right with God. We're put right with God through our faith in Jesus Christ. A commitment of faith creates a new relationship with God and frees us from the guilt and dominance of sin.
The last part of the book tells us of God’s dealings with Israel. And, as is characteristic of Paul’s letters, we also find here much practical counsel for Christian living. All in all, the book of Romans is Paul’s most complete summary of the Christian faith. Down through history, his words have sparked many spiritual revivals.